Sunday, October 25, 2015

Lisa Ling: Don't underestimate father-daughter relationship-- Demi Tomasides

So, I just read the greatest article. It was a pre-story to the actual news story, which was a video. I'm going to attach the link to the video on the bottom of the page as well as the article's link. I really encourage you guys to watch it because it's exceptionally sweet and wonderful.

So, many of us know Lisa Ling. She is a journalist that helped many of us through APHUG and has often been thought of as "what John Green is to APUSH"... I know. High praise, right? In this article she briefly talks about a jail in Richmond, Virginia that held a father daughter dance in hopes to educate their prisoners on how to become better fathers and to reignite their passion and love for their families. This is what the video expounded on so watch's two minutes well worth of time.
In the actual article Lisa talks about her dad and how he shaped who she is today. He was strict but incredibly loving. She believes with all her heart that her relationship with her dad made her the woman she is today and that father-daughter relationships are some of the most "important and underestimated relationships in society."

I loved this article. Sometimes I think it's nice to just get away from the shootings and the natural disasters and just give thanks. In this case she is giving thanks for her father while also enlightening us on these men, some of whom spent the most time ever with their daughters at this three hour dance. In 2012 there was another CNN article written about a prison on an island in Norway that didn't have any armed guards or huge fences (just water) and seemed to be "more of a resort than jail". This setting helped turn a convicted murderer into a sentimental man that cried when he helped deliver a calf.
I think it's really cool that at least some prisons are trying hard to reform, not just punish. I believe that the more we have of this, the more progressive in a positive direction our world will head towards.

The Lisa Ling Father-Daughter Article
The Video of the Father-Daughter Dance
The World's Nicest Prison

1 comment:

  1. I think focusing on reform and education is definitely something US prisons need to work on. The video was very sweet and I hope more prisons will follow their lead.
