Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Moriah smith

This week in Huston, Texas a high school student found his history textbook referring to slaves as “workers”. The student’s mom, Roni Dean-Burren, has sparked a national conversion on the review of these textbooks and how they discuss tough subjects. “That word-‘workers’-was an attempt to erase that hard writing that slavery had on paper” Thomas Ratliff, vice chair of the Texas board of education, agrees this should have never happened and what stop ensure it will never happen again. Texas is modifying the textbook review process by adding more diversity to reviews and editors.
This is similar to integration of schools in the 1950s. Black students where integrated into white schools after the court ruled segregation unconstitutional

 in the brown vs. boards of education case. These students had to be escorted to school with by the military for there safety. This shows that our country has over come a lot of race base issues but still has along way to go.


1 comment:

  1. I can relate to this article a lot. I have seen examples of racism in today's society, but I will always be grateful that the majority of the battle has been fought in history, and we are able to live an integrated life without many problems.

    Jasmine Rodrigue Period 4
