Monday, October 26, 2015

First the Moon, Now Mars // Uriel Cruz, Period 6

Someone call up Matthew McConaughey and Matt Damon because the time for Interstellar exploration has come once again. NASA is currently testing out a new design for a rocket to send astronauts to Mars. A CDR, Critical Design Review, of NASA's latest human-rated rocket space launch system, SLS, has been cleared. The last time NASA conducted a CDR was nearly 40 years ago. The SLS is the agency's most powerful rocket and is planned to join the Orion Space Capsule on missions to Mars, and deep space. The actual rocket may be built, integrated, and tested roughly around the time I graduate after the design is certified in 2017.

History is about to be made and I really want to be alive when it happens so NASA is doing a great job of starting the new project now that I'm old enough to remember but young enough to live to tell the tale to people nearly 40 years from now. After the US and Russia's race to the moon, I find it interesting how times have changed and bigger goals have been set. I am excited to hear from the other nations and see if any other country will step up to the plate and race. I finally get to live in all those space movies I've seen. How exciting.

Link to CNN article/video :


  1. Yeah, this is so exciting that we're going to witness history being made! And they're not just going to land on mars once and leave, they are looking for ways to actually colonize Mars and think that it's possible and could happen in the next couple of decades!

  2. This is so fascinating! It's amazing how far our science and technology has come from previous years so that we even have the ability to attempt such exploration! I will be curious to hear more about it! -Nicole Chatham 6th period

  3. This is so exciting! I feel like this is how society felt when the mission to the moon was being discussed. I have heard a lot about this mission, and I really hope I am here to whiteness the exploration. It's so cool how far technology has come.

    Jasmine Rodriguez Period 4

  4. This reminds me of the exploration of Columus. We are sending people to mars, but just may find a whole new world than we may have initially imagined. We may travel there looking for one thing, and then find ourselves completely shocked by the discovery of something entirely new.

  5. This makes me think of that commercial that advertises "where will you be when man takes his first step on mars?". With that said I'm sure this fascinates a lot of people and we will be hearing a lot more about it in the near future.
