Monday, October 26, 2015

Alexis Farrell, 5th Period: Hot dogs, bacon, processed meats linked to cancer

The article discusses how recent studies have shown that eating processed meats including ham, hot dogs, sausages, bacon, canned meat, and beef jerky can cause colorectal cancer. Also, it states that eating red meat is a "maybe" for cancer. The World Health Organization's cancer agency announced this today. At the International Agency for Cancer Research (IACR), Kurt Straif mentions that there is a small risk of developing colorectal cancer by processed red meat but the risk increases as the amount one intakes increases. A report by the IACR states that red meat consumption can cause the development of pancreatic and prostate cancer as well but the connection between the two wasn't as strong. Of course, the North American Meat Institute sneered at this statement and claimed they disregarded the so-called links between cancer and meat before this report. The point of the article was to limit the amount of meat one consumes and to balance the nutritional value of red meat versus the dangers of it.

Several theories about the dangers of meat have been popular lately. I imagine that many people fear these theories and many people ignore these theories. This just makes me wonder if people against meat intake will begin to protest against the production/selling of meat products in stores. Although this sounds crazy, the Whiskey Rebellion occurred in 1791 and was a protest opposing the tax on whiskey which was the first tax created by the new federal government on a domestic product. Several farmers rioted against this tax and I wonder if vegetarians or people afraid of the possibility of cancer will protest. My opinion on this recent report by the IACR is neutral because the article has no actual proof of cancer, it just mentions studies that have come across cancer in the processed/red meats.

1 comment:

  1. you're right because in my opinion there is no definite way to prove that meat is causing cancer. there needs to be more experiments done to prove this theory since if it is true it could cause a very serious reform of the production of meat.
