Tuesday, October 27, 2015

U.N. Rejects U.S. embargo on Cuba//Maddie Hanratty

Cuba proposed a resolution to the U.S. embargo, which was denied by the U.S.. However, not all hope is lost for Cuba; the vote came to 188:2 when cast worldwide. Israel was the only one to agree with America that the embargo should be kept (hence the pathetically small 2 in the ratio). Since then, the countries have reopened embassies and restored diplomacy all while limiting trade and leisurely travel.
In my opinion, the embargo isn't needed anymore for the same reasons it once was. Although I am not fully educated on the topic, from my understanding, the embargo was passed during the Cold War when Cuba was going through a missile crisis. The crisis held potential danger to the U.S., and therefore the embargo was passed. Now, the crisis is not an issue, yet the embargo goes on. I think the embargo is pointless now because Cuba is insufficiently supplied in a broad sense. For example, the people there have to be mechanically talented just to repair old cars, as new imports are harder to come by. Without Cubans having the technologies many of us use daily, it would be plausible to assume Cuba is no longer a threat as far as weaponry.
This embargo not only relates to the Cold War as I mentioned earlier, but also reflects the Embargo Act of 1807. This was an end of trade to all other countries that was meant to entice Britain into lifting restrictions on American trade. Unfortunately for Americans, the act only made the economy worse much like Cuba is suffering currently.


  1. I agree. This is a really old law that is irrelevant now. If anything, getting rid of the embargo could strengthen our relationship with Cuba. (Bella Di Fazio pd:8)

  2. I also agree that law was made a long time ago and we should still stick to the laws that are used present as today. Desiree smith period 4

  3. America historically has had fine successful trade with many communist countries, and those threats of nuclear warfare went null and void long ago. It's time to repair relations with Cuba and start trading with them again.
    -Jack Higgins Period 6
