In this article they have been talking about how to many flights are being delayed because of technology. The Dallas-based airline said today it was experiencing delays due to “intermittent technical issues” on its website, mobile app, its phone centers and airports across the country. The airline still has not determined the cause of the problems or when it will be resolved. Southwest said the technical issues mean that staff is having to process some customers manually as they arrive at airports to check in for flights.
Too many things now a days are relying on technology. Even kids now a days are always occupied on their phones. That's all they care about. Back then, there were no iphones or ipads or any of that stuff. They used their brains. In the past, without technology it was a more personalized service. They would have done this by hand back then and this would have never happened.
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There were also flights and planes half the size with more delayed flights as everything was done manually and less flights altogether. Yes, there are drawbacks in our modern system, but it is still so much better than it used to be. - Jack Higgins Period 6