Monday, February 18, 2013

Zombie Apocalypse By Andres Munoz

   While America slept -- or at least while the left ate their organic ostrich burgers, drank their jackfruit-guava-flavored vitamin water and tweeted "cleverly" about Marco Rubio's "Watergate" -- Canada was preparing to counter a growing threat to the nation.
   Patriotic members of the Canadian Parliament stood up to political correctness last week by declaring that Canada will not tolerate an influx of zombies. Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird even went as far as to boldly state that "Canada will never become a safe haven for zombies, ever."
   Of course, the lamestream media didn't cover this story. They prefer you worry about things like meteors and cruise ships instead of a growing zombie threat.
  But it's time for Americans to wake up! Canada's zombie preparedness means one thing for us: Zombies will be driven out of Canada and into the United States. And once they are here, good luck getting them out of the country.
   Seems like Canada is prepared for pretty much anything at this point, but should we be? Is a zombie apocalypse really all that likely? In my opinion we shouldnt be worried about zombies at all, we should be worried about being more prepared for another stock market crash.


  1. That's retarted.. there are other more important things to worry about

  2. no your retarded! what if this really were to happen huh???

  3. LOLOL part of me (most of me) wants to say this is stupid and will never happen. And the other part, the one that watches way too many sci-fi movies, is kinda scared...
