Monday, December 3, 2012

Twins fighting in the womb!

Scientist in London have used the newly developed cinema-MRI technology to discover rare and often irregular conditions. This article covers the discovery of two twins "fighting" for leg room in the womb. Although twins are known to experience sibling rivalry, it surprised us all to get to see actual footage of them physically kicking eachother! Cute? I think so (:! I also think that its really great that we get to see such wonders with our new technology and medical knowledge. This article is important because it may help diagnose fatal illnesses that may affect twins in the womb, often times, the twins trying to over power the other can lead to lack of or over development among the children!



  1. Not that I'm in any rush, but I'm so excited for the day I'm pregnant! With all of the new technologies I feel like it's a totally different experience then what our mom's went through. Although that's kind of creepy, I think it's really cool that we can now see these things that were never able to be seen before!

  2. I think iot's adorable I agree with Taiina I'm not in any rush to be a mommy but it's exciting to know that one day I will be and maybe by then we will actually be able too see them grow from an embryo. Something like a life story! Lol get it! Life!
