Monday, December 10, 2012

Apple to start making products in the united states

Apple is going to move production of new Mac computers to the United states in early 2013. Although its most popular for our favorite products to be made in china, many customers are wanting a new experience and are asking that more things, such as apple technology and Mac computers are made in the U.S. I think this is silly. From china or from Europe it doesn't matter. If I'm getting the right products, functioning correctly, it truly doesn't matter. And personally I feel that the 100 million going into the project is just for entertaining the thought, meanwhile that money could go towards something useful like...hmm...I don't know...helping those who can't afford food? I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy /: . However, I could see why this article is important. It opens someone's eyes to how much of our business is really taken up by chinas hardworking vs. us doing our own.



  1. This is great. I think moving more manufacturing back to America would greatly improve the economy. Besides that, in my experience American made products are generally unsurpassed in quality.

  2. Um it definitely does matter where it's made. Like Paolo said, things made in China are usually very cheap. So much so that in my family, it's an ongoing joke. But not only that, it WILL help our economy prosper. People don't want to move the production to America just because! Why should we be employing people out of our country, when there are people her in AMerica that need jobs! By manufacturing all of our stuff outside of the U.S., we are only promoting tthat country's economy, not ours. But no, employers are always looking for the easy way out. They want to pay the least amount of money possible for manufacturing, so that's why we go overseas. I think it's great that Apple is doing this!
