Monday, December 3, 2012

Obama Warns of Consequences for Syria - Paolo Buccino

    In a speech today, President Obama warned the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that there would be serious consequences if the Syrian military used chemical weapons against the rebels. Military intelligence detected the movement of chemical weapons around Syria. As of now, about 40,000 people have died because of the conflicts in Syria. If the Syrian government decided to use chemical warfare against it's own citizens, the results would be devastating. President Obama has not specified what the consequences would be. I think that there would be military intervention.

1 comment:

  1. Scary. But I think it's pretty awesome that our military intelligence system can detect any kind of movement of chemical weapons. That makes me feel very safe in this country. BUT I'm not sure if interferring in Syria's problems will be a good thing for us. But of course, as President Wilson said, we always want to "make the world safe for democracy."
