Saturday, December 8, 2012

Josh Brent arrested by Carter Brown

Cowboys' player Josh Brent was arrested by police on Saturday for charges of intoxication manslaughter. Police arrested him after an accident that had occurred earlier that same morning. He and other Cowyboys' teammate Jerry Brown were driving home at a high speed when Brent hit an outside curb on Route 114. The car flipped at least once before stopping in the middle of a service road. When police got there it was obvious Brent was intoxicated when he was asked to take several sobriety tests. Brown was found unresponsive by paramedics and was pronounced dead at the hospital. Source:,0,7057214.story


  1. This is terrible! We all think "Oh, this could never happen to me," but the reality is, that it can! Although very unfortunate, I think we need stories like this to remind us to make smart decisions, especially with us being teenagers an all.

  2. Consequences for bad decisions will always hit!
