Monday, December 10, 2018

A pipe nicknamed Wilson is helping to clear pollution in the ocean


Recently installed in the Pacific Ocean, a floating pipe has been sent out into the middle of the ocean. It's specific purpose? To take on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a spot notorious for inordinate amounts of pollution. Once it is in place, a boat will venture to the spot every few months to clean up the waste the pipe has collected. Some wonder if this will really help. Eben Schwartz states that the amount of trash this pipe will collect is not nearly enough. Only time will tell whether or not this project was really worth it.

The impact of this could be great. Pollution in the ocean is a gigantic problem in the modern era, and is making the waters of the world less and less safe for animals, plants, and the surrounding ecosystems. If "Wilson" is a successful project, major progress could be made in cleaning up our planet's oceans before they are too far gone. If no attempts are made, then we may drift further and further away from being able to save what  is left. From this, we can conclude that any progress is good progress, and taking steps before it is too late should be a major goal in marine conservation.

1 comment:

  1. I agree the pollution is really bad and it’s messing with our oxygen and evironment and we really need to do better.
