Monday, December 7, 2015

Pregancy prevents speaking at a convention?- Bethany Wolfe 3rd

Recently a highly regarded scientist and businesswoman was scheduled to speak at a conference regarding science and entrepreneurship in Brussels. However, her invitation was revoked due to her pregnancy. A European Commission representative claimed that her colleagues were "not very enthusiastic to take a risk for your health", yet she was completely healthy and desired to take the train rather than fly. The Commission has now apologized for their actions and promised to investigate.
It's still baffling that some corporations don't fully back the idea that a woman can balance a job and a family. While it can be very difficult, it's very possible. This does, however, shed more light on gender equality issues in the workforce. This reminds me of the fight for the 19th amendment by suffragettes. While they fought for the right to vote, we now struggle to be held as equals in the workplace.


  1. I agree that this situation really shows how gender equality is something that we are not done fighting for, because it is still a big issue. --Claudia Anthony

  2. Tristin Manus 8th- Gender equality is a huge problem in America, yes women can excel at the same things men can, even while pregnant. But for them to have this sexist mentality shows the closed minded mindset of America.

  3. Women are perfectly capable of balancing a family and work and this just shows how ingrained gender roles are in society because for the longest time everyone beloved women could only raise families, but times have changed and gender roles should too. (Bella Di Fazio pd:8)

  4. This is completely appalling and the fact that women have been fighting the same fight since our early American ancestors called for equality... is RIDICULOUS!

  5. Mrs. Countryman is having a third kid and has managed to handle AP high school artists while being pregnant. I don't see why this company made a big deal out of it.

  6. Katie Schell Flex
    I'm sure pregnant women can handle themselves fine at work like for real.

  7. It's crazy that gender equality still continues to take an overwhelming presence in todays society.

    Lauren Bush; 9th
