Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Donald Trump urges ban on Muslims coming to US Jasmine Rodriguez Period 4

This article talks about Donald Trumps campaign statement to ban Muslims from the US until we can figure out their "attitude towards the US". He repeated the pledge at a rally in South Carolina, showing that he is serious about this point. Part of his justification was reference to a Muslim couple who has open fired at 14 people at a health center in San Bernardino.

Donal Trump was being very racist in his statement, because he was assuming things about all Muslims just because of the behavior of some Muslims. This is almost as foolish as those who assume all Muslims are in favor of terrorism because the attackers of 9/11 were Muslim. This event is similar to when the Know-Nothings (nativists) tried to stop European immigration to the United States. Although the terms for not wanting immigration were different (the Know-Nothings did not want immigrants taking up jobs that could be given to American laborers or taking land for the same reasons), the overall desire was similar.


1 comment:

  1. This is terrible. I can't believe that Trump doesn't recognize this as major discrimination and racism!!
