Monday, December 7, 2015

College Students Sick After Eating at Chipotle by Eleanor E-W

Over 20 student at Boston college got sick after eating at a Chipotle this weekend. Although this incident is apparently not linked to the Chipotle E. Coli break out that happened recently (and put many people in the hospital), all Chipotle's in that area have been temporarily shut down, and the Massachusetts Department of Health is investigating.
Wow! It's crazy how much this relates to American History. When I read this article, I immediately thought of the Boston Massacre! The two are so similar! For example, they both happened in Boston and both involved people getting hurt (although nobody was killed in this incident--thanks to modern medicine lol). The Chipotle are like the evil British, trying to attack the American colonists, but American won because all the Chipotles in the area had to shut down! Take that Britian!


  1. I have stopped eating at Chipotle. Heartbreaking, but E. coli..... no thank you.

  2. Brenna Hale(6th Period)
    I would think that this issue would be almost normal if it had happened at one Chipotle and the owners said, "Oh, we must have bought some bad guacs." But this is happening all over, something fishy is happening, and its not jut the fish tacos.

  3. I love you synthesis that's crazy chipotle needs to get it together I love chipotle too much for them t shut them down.

  4. It's a good thing they closed down some shops! Economically speaking, this is incredibly costly-- having a major chain like that uphold this sort of reputation is disastrous.

  5. Katie Schell Flex
    I am never eating Chipotle again.

  6. I feel like Chipotle ALWAYS has some weird food born illness going on...
    Lauren Bush; 9th
