Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jake Evans' Confession: Killing Mom, Sister Inspired By Rob Zombie Film by Carlos Walcott

Jake Evans is quite a disturbed 17 year old. He says that the 2007 movie, Halloween, by Rob Zombie inspired him to murder his mother and sister. He said that while he was watching it, he was amazed at how at ease the boy in the movie seemed when he killed people, and how little remorse he seemed to have. A copy of his confession was released on Thursday by Parker County Judge Graham Quisenberry. Evans killed his 48-year-old mother, Jamie Evans, and his 15-year-old sister, Mallory, inside their upscale Aledo home Oct. 3, 2012. In a four-page written confession police said that Evans wrote hours after his arrest, he said he watched "Halloween" three times that week."I set the pistol on the bed and was nervously opening the cylinder over and over again," the confession reads. "I then spent probably over an hour walking nervously around the house thinking how life will never be the same and how I would never see them again." It was about 11:15 p.m. when Evans says he finally came up with the courage to kill, police said. "I knocked on my sister's door and told Mallory that mom needed her. She came out and out of the corner of her eye saw me pointing the gun at her. She thought I was joking and told me that I was freaking her out. I shot her in the back and then in the head. I ran down to the study and shot my mom three times," the confession reads. After he shot and killed his mother and sister, he called 911 and told the operator what he had done. His bond was $750,000 and his father, who was out of town at the time, refused to bond him out. I'm really starting to wonder what our world is coming to. People are killing like it's nothing, and are getting influenced by the stupidest things, such as movies and video games that are violent. To kill your own flesh and blood though, man that's sick. I think he should be sentenced to a death penalty, because what he did was just horrible. Words can't even describe how bad what he did was.

1 comment:

  1. This is unbelievable. He deserves to be in jail for the amount of time required. However, movies and video games are not what is leading towards violance in todays society; it is the improper education of how dangerous and awful violence is. I believe this boy needs to be phsycologically tested.
