Sunday, March 25, 2018

UNsilent Silence | Mica Stout

Emma Gonzalez, during the March of Our Lives, silently spoke about her feelings toward gun laws by listing the names of the 17 people gunned down in Florida. After the last name, she remained silent for at least 3 minutes. It was said to be,"The loudest silence in the history of US social protest." To get some background information about Gonzalez, she is an 18 year old, Bisexual Cuban, who at the time of the shooting hid in the auditorium while her classmates were fired on. She has said that her being open about her sexuality has helped propel her activism. She would've never had the confidence to speak out if she never came out.

I thinks it's really important for people these days to feel comfortable in their own skin. So many kids and teenagers today are told that they are a minor part in society, and their opinion doesn't matter until the age of 18 when they're fully an adult.



  1. I think this form of protest, silence, is quite useful cause it forces the viewer to consider and question their own opinions in the silence.

  2. She is so brave for standing up for what she believes in in a world where people can be so hateful. I hope she continues being a voice for those who do not have one.
