Monday, March 26, 2018

Miadora Ibanez

Linda Brown, Symbol of Landmark Desegregation Case, Dies - The New York Times

Summary-  Linda and her father played an important role in the civil rights movement; it was her father's name (Oliver Brown) whose name is attached to the famous case of Brown v Board of education. It all started when she was not allowed to attend an all-white school in her neighborhood. Her family was among several that reopened the original Brown case in 1979, and the case resulted in the opening of several magnet schools. Today on March 26, 2018 Linda Brown's death was confirmed; however her landmark on the civil rights movement did not. 

Analysis- This article was written by Neil Genzlinger, he began reviewing for The Times in 2000 while still a copy editor at the paper, and has been a full-time critic since 2011. I would say I had an ample amount of knowledge of the topic since we are going over the civil rights movement in class. 

1 comment:

  1. While it is sad that Linda died, it has only been one lifetime since schools in the South have been desegregated. Some of us have grandparents that lived in the South that may have gone to segregated schools, which is so crazy to me.
    Brooke Simpson
