Monday, December 7, 2015

"Obama's Oval Office Address" by Julia Plummer pd. 1

Last night, Obama addressed the nation about the problems of terrorism, and the threat it has been causing to the US. He spoke about how to minimize terrorism, and how it is vital for us as Americans to evade acting o our fears, because this could lead us to make unwise choices in the heat of the moment- "Let's not forget that freedom is more powerful than fear." He also urged America to unify, and act as one in these tough times, and to come together against terrorism.

One important part of the president's speech was when he spoke about not alienating Muslim people living in the United States. A lot of people right now are saying that we shouldn't let refugees into America because that opens us up, and makes us more vulnerable to terrorism. However, there have been more terrorist act committed by white Americans in the US, than refugees. Out of every 200,000 (approximately) refugees let into the US, only one or two of them have performed any violent acts. More people die because of household objects such as toasters and refrigerators than this. Not to say that terrorism isn't a problem, which it is, but people must quit outcasting Muslim people by saying that they're all terrorists.


  1. What's going on is real terrorism is going on and the ignorant people who are horribly scared need a scapegoat, so they find Islam. Very sad.
    -Jack Higgins period 6

  2. I completely agree with Julia, this is a problem but its not all of the refugees in the world's fault. Like Jack said they are just looking for someone to direct their rage at.
