Suleiman and his family paid $500 to escape Raqqa. He says he could not stay to see his wife unable to go outside, and his children exposed to the decapitated heads and uncovered bodies that line the streets. Where he lived was a war zone. His kids would not be able to attend school, and even if they did, it would be an unsupervised room with kids ages 5 to 11.
The families in these places need help. Suleiman speaks about the desperation expressed all around him, which only heightened the popularity of ISIS. People had no food, medical supplies, etc., until they pledged to join ISIS- for then anything they needed was granted to them for free.
To me, it feels so odd to hear everything that is going on in these millions of peoples lives and not feeling like one can do near enough to help.
ISIS reminds me of the KKK in a few aspects. Like the KKK, ISIS ruthlessly kills for their beliefs (that are not necessarily the same as everyone following the same religion, in the case of ISIS). The KKK was ultimately a smaller group than ISIS, but both leave death in their wake as they destroy precious lives and corrput people.
This makes me speechless. People don't act like these refugees are fleeing the same terrible things we are afraid of. By us neglecting fellow humans in need, we are pushing them into ISIS's hands because they can't survive on their own.