Sunday, December 6, 2015

Chicago PD Under Investigation - Ari Robinson, 3rd Period

Summary: Following the release of the video of the Laquan McDonald shooting, the Justice Department is going to launch an investigation into the Chicago Police Department. Chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel had initially said an investigation was unnecessary, but a day later he welcomed one. Last year, Emmanuel refused to release the McDonald shooting while he was seeking re-election. A day after  the video was released, he fired the chief of police. 

Analysis: In a city with as many shootings and as storied a police department as Chicago, it's no surprise an investigation is soon to be announced.  The video follows a waves of videos around the country demonstrating police brutality. Emmanuel's political motives seem to be getting in the way of his leadership, which is concerning. As he had seen the video, why did he wait until it was released to fire the chief of police?

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