Monday, December 7, 2015

Adriana Hinojosa 8th, University of Rochester Student Kidnapping

It is nice to hear good news in the headlines when our country has just been hearing bad after bad news. Although the news about these students at the University of Rochester wasn't good at first, it became good when it was learned that the two boys were saved by a SWAT team. The SWAT team found out where the boys had been being held hostage with enough time to do something about it. As of right now officials do not know whether something happened to the students while kidnapped but they are able to breathe a sigh of relief knowing they are in better hands.
About two nights ago, I saw a guy on a run and I found myself getting upset because of the sheer fact that he could do that. But upon reading this article, I came to realize the problem is beyond just girls, though, people are committing terrible acts towards everyone; no one is totally safe.
The two guys were also found close to campus, you would think that campus' would have more security than just any street, but all we can really do is look out for each other and even then nothing is guaranteed.

Nicholas Kollias and Ani Oneke-Ewe (both originally from Chicago, 21 yrs old, and seniors)

University of Rochester