A 20 year old Ohio resident by the name of Cole Lee Jackson allegedly abducted, raped, and impregnated a minor. He had an ankle bracelet on from a previous abduction. His parol officer never made any attempts to go to his house because jackson always went to meet him. He purposefully contacted the girl through Facebook and they met and had intercourse. After that the man became very controlling of her. He changed passwords in her phone and scheduled the taxi to pick her up from school and bring her to his home everyday after school. I think this is a terrible representation of our government because they are obviously showing that they are incapable of keeping people on parol in line. She was being kept in his house and no one ever thought to check there. This is terrible and a solution needs to be proposed immediately. This relates in history to when the Spanish often raped or abused Native American women. Back then there was no one to stop those men. But in our current society there is supposed to be caring officers assigned to handle these situations to make sure they never happen.
This is a horrible situation.
ReplyDelete1. Parole officers shouldn't develop any kind of attachments to the people they have to watch, it will only hinder them in the end.
2. I understand that more involvement could have stopped this but there are only so many things the government can do without seriously invading people's privacy, people are already upset with the government listening in on their calls even if it's for public safety.
The fact that he's already done this before and his parole officer let him slip through and rape another person is utterly disgusting. He needs to be fired and we need to work on fixing the holes in our security.
Shelby Linker, 8th period
I agree with your comment about the government not keeping up with the people on parole. I think that even though Jackson went to meet his parole officer he/she still should have gone an checked on him at his house. This just shows how flawed the system is. -Mattie Whisler 9th period Flex