Monday, September 7, 2015

Amaya Avila Period 8: Blue Whale Trapped off California Coast

            On Friday September 4, there were reports of a mystical blue whale trapped in fishnets near Catalina. The species, Blue Whale is endangered and there are only 11,000 to 20,000 Blue Whales in the world, they reside off the coasts of California, Chile, and Indonesia. Every year almost 11 whales are fatally trapped, no officials understand why or how, but it is known that the Blue Whales are very fast travelers which can be an issue because they attempt to swim past dangerous barriers. The Marine Animal rescue has joined forces with Law enforcement to free the 88 foot long Blue Whale.

            It is important for everyone, especially fisherman to be cautious and aware of his or her surroundings, they should know that they are intruding on nature.  The loathe for money from fishery companies is not worth the endangerment of the rare Blue Whale.


  1. I agree everyone should become more aware of taking care of nature because if we don't we can harm animals and make them become endangered.

  2. It's horrible that such a beautiful creature is endangered due to the greed of some fishermen/ merchants and the blatant disregard to ecosystems. Hopefully, this poor whale will be freed!
    -Bethany Wolfe 3rd
