Monday, September 28, 2015

Layla Maynard: Mars Here I Come!!!!!!!!!!!!

Summary: Scientists have discovered the existence of liquid water on Mars. Though this discovery does not prove there has been any form of life on the planet, but provides hopes that maybe one day, Mars can indeed support some life form.

Analysis: Literally scientists found water on Mars, and so far, of course it's not drinkable and the conditions aren't yet capable of quartering the human race, but that's incredible. This discovery can help lead to new scientific technology and exploration and revelations. And, in many many years, maybe even life on Mars.


NASA says it found proof of water in dark streaks like these, called recurring slope lineae, on the walls of the Garni Crater on Mars.


  1. That is quite an amazing discovery, regardless of how far we have yet to go.
    - Jack Higgins 6th period

  2. This is so cool!! Since water was found on Mars, the possibility that we could one day live there has grown even stronger

  3. Life on Mars would be so strenuous at first, but the whole concept is really interesting. I read that in a few years, they're gonna send some people up there.

    Samantha Arthur
