Monday, September 28, 2015

Reagan Rees Period 5

Flowing water on Mars, is there hope of life there? NASA has just announced that there may be water on Mars, leading to the belief in life there. Watery flows detected by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter are suspected to be associated with water.

  So what does this mean for our country if this is the case, that there is life on Mars. If it is possible to sustain life there, or if there are already lives there, this could mean a drastic change in America and all over the world forever.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think life on Mars is completely possible, as we don't know much about space at all! It's arrogant to think we are the only functioning, living things in the universe. -Emily Eppig 8th period

  3. To think that 400 years ago, people could barely sail from one continent to another with running the risk off being blown of course to even dying to being able to use technology to see if there is water on other plants is amazing. Human beings have come along ways and the only way to go from here is up. Kiyanna Elliott
