Monday, September 28, 2015

Donald Trump!!! Silly goose at it again!!!! - Reece Clark, 6th period

Donald Trump manages to shock the world yet again when he says in a recent interview that he probably hasn't been the most "presidential" as of late in this campaign. "But you know what? This is a campaign," he says. He defends the majority of the things he has said by claiming to be a "counter-puncher," in that he is simply reacting to verbal attacks on HIM that came out of nowhere from rivals he has been "so nice to." After acknowledging, but not really apologizing for his "childish behavior," as described by Trump himself, he went on to A) Trash talk Hillary Clinton, B) Brag about how the economy is going to sky rocket under his control, and C) State that his plan for ISIS is to simply let them have it out with Russia and hope some damage is done to either side. 

No matter what end of the political spectrum you are on, I think it's safe to say that Donald Trump has caught the attention of most people in America, whether you agree with his views or not. Obviously, I find articles and interviews regarding him to be quite "interesting," as he has been the target of a handful of my blog posts. But political preferences aside, Donald Trump is winning the campaign game by attention alone. He claims he is just stating things others do not have the courage to, and that is somehow working to his benefit. This just goes to show how swiftly America is changing, I suppose. 


  1. "Donald Trump: the man who's going to make America great again." *projectile vomits from disgust*

  2. Cameron Eisenberg
    This guy seems very brash for someone that wants to be President. All he does when he is talking is bringing himself up, more than most politicians

  3. I think this shows how myopic America has gotten now.

  4. Nicholas Godfrey Period 8:
    I find it very childish the way that Donald Trump acts. He goes on and attacks people for stupid things. I have no idea how Trump has made it so great in the polls when he has literally done nothing but make a bunch of attacks on other people instead of telling us what he is going to do other than "Build a wall."

  5. I agree with you rodney!! America is becoming so myopic! (davison vocab)

  6. I honestly worry with the people in control of today's votes. It is so incredibly important that we continue to elect the people we wish to lead, especially since it won't be long until we ourselves are voting. I say this because at this point it is in the hands of our older, legal fellow Americans to chose who is right for our country. For themselves and, more importantly, the future.
