Monday, September 25, 2017

Mary Morgan Smith

         21-year-old Scout Schultz was shot and killed by Officials in Georgia Tech, Atlanta on September 16, 2017. Schultz was reported to have made the initial 911 call describing a man walking around possibly intoxicated and armed. When the police came they found him walking around with a knife and wouldn’t comply with the officers. Schultz allegedly came too close to an officer and with one shot aimed to his chest, was killed. After some investigation authorities found 3 suicide notes in his dorm. 
         Students in Georgia Tech had a vigil shortly after the incident. Some were shocked to find out about the event. Many, however, were disappointed that 5 officials couldn’t stop him and had to kill him. The family knew Schultz was battling with depression but saw no signs in the recent months. Students at Georgia Tech were very upset and some became violent to the extent where someone lit a police vehicle on fire. Do you think the mishap of Scout Schultz was unjust? What about the reaction of the upset students? 


  1. I agree with the students disappointment of the loos of their fellow classmate. However, the police had the right to do so if they felt any threat at all.

  2. Hannah Karim

    The reaction of the students seems justified and sometimes means like these are taken. It is sad that this young man was battling depression and no one around him was aware and this extreme of measures could have been taken.
