Monday, September 7, 2015

Killer of Cecil the Lion Returns to his Practice -Avery Yoss 4th

The famous Cecil the Lion was hunted down earlier in the summer, in the beginning of July. Walter Palmer, an American dentist, hunted this african lion without knowing of his fame and how beloved he was. After Cecil was killed, Palmer was the target of a lot of social media hate. Walter Palmer pleaded his case by saying it wasn't illegal to take a collared lion. The officials in Zimbabwe, where the lion was, said they wanted Palmer to face charges but they haven't done so yet. "There are no official allegations that he has done anything wrong," Joe Friedberg, Palmer's lawyer, said. After six weeks of silence, Walter Palmer told the Associated Press and the Minneapolis Star tribune that he would return back to his practice in Minnesota.

I know Walter Palmer said that he didn't know the lion was a local star, but if you saw a lion in a cage, wouldn't you guess that it wasn't just a wild lion? That's common sense. Also, if Palmer did in fact know where he was, which was Hwang National Park in Zimbabwe, you would think that he would have some idea that a caged animal would probably be for show. I understand the fans of the lion's hate towards Walter Palmer.


  1. Matthew Homsher 9th- Poaching is a crime even if you are unaware that you were on private property.

  2. Kenley Turner 3rd- I was so saddened to find out that people are pro poaching. I hope that other people realize that it is wrong, and don't support businesses of people who poach

  3. I think that even though the officials haven't pressed charges on Palmer, he still shouldn't continue what he is doing. Also, the official should just get the problem over with if they want Palmer to be stopped for good.
