Sunday, September 21, 2014

Police search for missing UVA student - Olivia Lambert 3rd

About a week ago Hannah Graham, a student at University of Virginia went missing. The police have not found much information as to who took her or where she was last seen but some surveillance cameras capture a little speculation. It appears in the videos that Hannah was walking alone and a man was following behind her. The man told the police she looked distressed and wanted to help out.

It is so upsetting to see stories of missing children and adolescents because they are too often occurring. As stated in the article, Dana (the writer) mentions that a few years ago another Virgina Tech student went missing and her remains were found on a farm and police have been thinking there could be a connection between these two disappearances. I am so heartbroken for the Graham family because not only are they sad because they have lost Hannah, but they are confused as to who took her and why they did so. There needs to be an end to missing children and one of the solutions I can come up with is that teenage boys and girls should try to travel in two's at all times from the ages of 13-21. I think this would decrease the amount of disappearances.

Olivia Lambert 3rd


1 comment:

  1. It's always really upsetting when someone, especially a youth goes missing...
    - Hannah Kalan, 6th period
