Tuesday, September 30, 2014

School Shooting Suspect in Custody by Corran Nolan

The suspect involved in a school shooting in Kentucky's Fern Creek High School has been brought into custody. The shooting, which happened Tuesday afternoon, took place at Fern Creek High School in Louisville Kentucky, just inside the building. Luckily, only one student was brought to the hospital, though their injury was not life-threatening. The suspect was described as "about 6-foot-5, wearing a grey hoodie, black pants with a grey stripe, and about 15 or 16 years old." It is unknown whether he attended the school, which was put on lockdown along with other schools in the area.

The recent influx of school shootings, many of which are and were much worse than this, is a growing problem which has to be addressed. Schools are places of learning and development for kids, and neither they nor their parents should have to worry about whether they will be shot while attending it. Problems like this can only TRULY be stopped by better security and mental care at and for children and young adults who attend school and college, preventing any more tragedies from occurring.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/30/us/kentucky-school-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t2


  1. That's a relief that no one was severely injured in this shooting, seeing as that's not typically the case. I agree that this is a prevalent issue that should definitely receive more attention.

  2. I definitely do think it was such a huge relief that no one was seriously injured. I hope that this case gets more attention that it already has.

  3. I do think this case needs more attention but it is incredible that no one was seriously injured. - Jessica Sheinfeld

  4. It's amazing to hear that everyone is ok. But I agree completely, security and mental care is a must. I feel like many schools lack at least mental care.
