Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dallas hospital diagnoses first patient with Ebola Brett Akop

The Centers for Disease Control have officially confirmed the first case of the deadly ebola virus to enter the United States; in Dallas nonetheless. This is a very terrifying circumstance because ebola has never before been in the US and the fatal disease is highly contagious. The man, left unnamed, has had the virus in his system since approximately SEPTEMBER 19, he didn't show symptoms until about a week later. "The man left Liberia Sept. 19 and arrived in the USA the next day but had no symptoms when leaving Africa or arriving here, said Thomas Frieden, the CDC director. The patient became sick Sept. 24, and he sought care two days later. He was sent home but returned to a hospital and was admitted Sept. 28. Frieden did not reveal the man's nationality but said he came to the USA to visit relatives." Its horrifying to know that such a disease has entered our everyday lives and we have yet to find a definite cure. No American has built up any sort of defense or immunity to the disease because we have never encountered such a catastrophic predicament, I'm honesty a little scared as to what comes next because there are many different ways this situation can and will be handled. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/09/30/dallas-ebola-patient/16496665/


  1. Oh shit we're all gunna die. We need to run and hide.

  2. Ebola is a deadly disease and needs to be taken seriously dude... ^^

  3. As bad as Ebola is, it isn't a very contagious disease. You can only contract it when you have come in contact with bodily fluids of someone who is currently showing symptoms. While Ebola does have about a 50% mortality rate in Africa, the only reason so many people are contracting it, is because the doctors there don't have the means to keep a sterile environment. Many of the infected can't get to a hospital so their loved ones must take care of them, which exposes more people to the virus. Last I heard this patient was't doing very well so sadly they may die, but most likely we have nothing to worry about.

    -Trevor Haueisen 6th

  4. This is scary that it has speed all this way. What we don't know is how much it'll spread or who else is contaminated. Quentin Noble period 2

  5. I heard that any cases in the US should not be anything to be afraid of because we have the money for treatment as where Africa does not have that luxury. -Jessica Sheinfeld
