Monday, September 22, 2014

Delta Airlines Flight Evacuated - Hannah Kalan 6th Period

Earlier Monday evening, Delta Airlines flight number 4103 was evacuated of its 54 passengers because of a strong smell of smoke. All of the passengers were safely returned to the terminal, however the more mysterious thing about this was that there was no actual fire on the flight. The firefighters that boarded reported that there was a heavy smell of smoke on the plane, albeit there was no fire. They did, however, find a large heat source at the back of the plane which may be the origin of the smell, yet they don't know for sure because they're still investigating.

Click here to read the original article!


  1. Airlines don't mess around with stuff like that!! It's probably a good thing though, because if there was actually a fire, a lot of people could've died. Good work Delta!

  2. It may have been a hassle for the people on the plane, but if I were in the situation, I would rather be safe than sorry! (Myles Bennett)

  3. It's great to hear that the airline was truly invested in the safety of its passengers, especially with all of the flight scares that have happened this year.
    -Mackenzie McGregor, 6th period

  4. This is a serious matter. It is good the flight was brought to the ground. My mom was a flight attendant so she told me how serious stuff like this is. Quentin Noble- 2
