Thursday, February 21, 2019

World's Largest Bee Spotted Since 1981 - Savannah Ghermay

Thought to be extinct, the Wallace's Giant Bee was found in Indonesia on January 25, 2019. The species was found by a team in lowland forests and is said to be as big as a human thumb. Deforestation in Indonesia is what's caused the species' natural habitat to shrink.

Although I personally am not a fan of bugs, I think it is remarkable that people have found a species we originally thought to be extinct. Often times people tend to forget that the more deforestation, poaching, and killing we do, the more likely it is an animal will go extinct. This is similar to how bees, in general, are being treated. Many are dying out and although they aren't as close to extinction as some animals, it certainly is a fear, It is important that people take into account the natural habitat of animals when doing any sorts of construction or deforestation, especially when living in a place comprised of rainforests.


  1. I feel like deforestation and the extinction of many animals is a huge issue that people aren’t really talking about. -maya friedmann

  2. I agree with the above comment, and I also think that it is a great thing we are beginning to see bigger bees, we all know what would happen if they went away, so id rather them grow than die. -kloe rhoden
