Thursday, February 21, 2019

Denmark Is Building a $12 Million Border Wall for Pigs - Savannah Ghermay

On January 28th of 2019, Denmark started building a wall along its southern border to secure itself from the danger of German wild boars. Denmark is doing this because of the fear that the boars will spread African Swine Fever, a disease that fatal to pigs but harmless to people. Denmark hopes to keep its large domestic pig population safe. The wall is actually an electric steel fence and stands at 5 feet high and the span of 40 miles.

While this is a bit of an extreme thing to do, I definitely think the idea is creative. While A common solution people resort to when having an animal with a disease is to shoot it, Denmark has decided to keep the animals out rather than kill it. I think this is a step towards a more peaceful solution when dealing with animal problems. A large part of the world doesn't consider animals worth effort keeping alive, so to see that others are choosing an option that doesn't involve directly killing an animal is important 

1 comment:

  1. What is with everybody and walls? First china, then Trump now Denmark! It is never that serious. I agree and I think it is very extreme.
