Monday, February 25, 2019

Judge Rules Male-Only Draft Violates Constitution - Miranda Farrar

On Friday, a federal judge ruled that it is unconstitutional to require only men to register for the draft. This case, beginning in the 1980s, originally ruled that it didn't violate the Constitution. In the past, restricting women from joining the military was a method of discriminating against women. In 2013, the ban against women in combat was lifted, and in 2015, all gender-based restrictions were lifted. No longer is it said that women are ineligible for combat. This latest case was brought up by the National Coalition for Men, who fought against arguments that said women would avoid joining the army, convinced that they would be forced to serve in combat roles.

This is a monumental change in our history. For a long time, men have been drafted into wars, as seen through conscription during World War I. Never have women been forced to sign up for drafts. I'm sure that many have conflicted feelings about this, as do I. When I was younger, I worried about my male family members maybe one day being forced to fight in a war. I never had to consider that maybe I would have to. The thought scares me, but I'm glad that we're headed towards an even playing field. Overall, this sparks questions of what our country's future holds military-wise.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that it is a huge change in our history. This is definetely something different or women to be drafted. I could see how both sides of beinng drafted have a point.
