Thursday, February 21, 2019

Tiny Tyrannosaur Fossil Discovery Changes Dinosaur Timeline - Savannah Ghermay

A fossil that could be the link to the giant T-Rex we know today, and the small creatures they used to be. It was found in Utah, where it lived 96 million years ago in the Cretaceous period. It has been named Moros Intrepidus, which means "Harbinger of Doom". Until the T-Rex, these creatures were at the top of the food chain.

I think it is extremely interesting that the creatures we considered to be the king of the dinosaurs actually started out very small. I also think that although the theory of evolution is very old, it continues to surprise many. While the T-Rex depended on size and strength, the Moros used speed and agility, with extremely heightened senses. People often forget that the dinosaurs lived for far longer than people have, even today, and we still have more to discover and learn about.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is very fascinating because when we picture dinosaurs we picture giant majestic and animalistic creatures, so to find out they began small brings into question weather any small animal now will grow overtime.
