Sunday, February 3, 2019

Where's the Wall? - Chloe Meinershagen\

Trump suggests that there's going to be an announcement of border action within the next week's State of the Union. He says having a national emergency, such as shutting down the government, helps the process of making a big decision. He promises, "We are building a wall... we'll get the wall finished, now whether or not I declare a national emergency -- that, you'll see." Trump, without evidence, claimed Democrats, in their conference negotiations, are "not being honest" because of the upcoming 2020 election.The State of Union date, Feb. 5th, comes before the deadline of February 15th, where a deal needs to be made on border security or we'll experience another government shut down.

Previously to this article I was aware that the government had been shut down and has a likelihood of being shut down again, but I had no idea Trump is still reluctant to admit that the wall could possibly not be built. This is important because I'm not sure everyone realizes that Trump is going to just sit and wait while he pressures the Democrats to sign a conclusion on building the wall. The issue is, almost no Democrats want a wall, and so both sides are so stubborn on their sides that all we can do is just engage with more government shut downs.
I can compare this to how, during the Progressive Era, President Wilson's New Freedom ended up looking similar to TR's New Nationalism because Wilson engaged in less trustbusting than expected at the beginning of his presidency. Trump promised many things during his campaign and is trying to enact them, but they are failing just like Wilson's "lack" of trust busting.


  1. I do appreciate his devotion to doing the things he promised but this wall is a DUMB idea and the shut down is harming Americans now. If he cared so much he would call it quits because this wall is not going to be that beneficial especially because that's a lot of imaginary money he is asking for to built it.

  2. I think that the concept of border security needs to be improved, but a wall is not the way to do it, and shutting down the government multiple times is definitely not how we should go about fixing the immigration policy.
