Sunday, February 3, 2019

Emma Burkey: Pentagon will deploy approximately 3,750 additional US forces to provide more support at southwest border

This article, that was written by two employees at CNN, discusses the over 3,000 troops the president has now ordered to the border of the United States with Mexico. The number was to remain untold to the Congress, but, according to a Democrat Representative, Trump keeping it confidential is violating the openness he is supposed to have with Congress.

This article is extremely important for people of the United States and Mexico to read. It not only proves that just because the shut down ended things will not be going back to normal, it also shows that Trump is more determined than ever to stop the "illegals" in "large caravans". It makes me especially nervous that so many armed troops are going to the border because, as much as Trump would like to think otherwise, innocent people who have no malicious intent whatsoever could be shot. This relates to the Mexican-American War in the 1800s when American troops were sent to fight the Mexicans and eventually took Mexico City. I pray that we will never get to the point of fighting or war.

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