Sunday, February 3, 2019

Daviah Harrison-Jussie Smollett performs in LA and tells the crowd he wants to clarify a few things

Today on February 3,2019 , an article written by Christina Maxouris,Paul Vercammen and Lisa Respers France was published. It clarified all of the things that have been going on with Jussie Smollett. Jussie recently performed in LA and clarified that his ribs were not cracked or boken, he wasn't hospitalized, and that both of his doctors were ok with him performing. Just in case you don't know, Jussie was attacked by 2 men who were yelling racial and homophobic slurs on Tuesday.The police are searching for the guys who attacked and offended Jussie and have found potential people of interest in the attack.

I hate that things like this are happening  and that people who strive to make the world a better place can still get knocked down. In the past, there have been times where people get killed for being gay and it is actually still happening today. I think that everyone should have the right to be who they want to be(as long as it doesn't involve others getting harmed) without worrying about being attacked verbally, physically or on social media. I hope they find the people who did this and give them a real punishment for their actions.

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