Monday, February 4, 2019

Vincent Reid - Saudi Arabia's Women Under Watch

Saudi Arabia's Guardianship System Under Fire
By Vincent Reid

              Saudi Arabia's system of guardianship, which requires a woman to be escorted at all times by a male relative, has recently come under extreme criticism following a woman being granted asylum after fleeing from her family in Kuwait and tweeting out for help in the Bangkok airport.  The current regime claims that they have intent to address the extremely pressing concerns of many women's rights activists, however they have fallen short of any major sort of reforms and have tried to silence any protests or activists.  There is a system in place to report abuses of the system, however, there are concerns that reporting the abuse may be dangerous for the women.

              This issue was reported on by reuters, a very strong source for reliable info on ongoing global situations.  It is extremely appalling to me how this system has reduced women to accessories to be accompanied at all times, at the whim of another person.  These laws force women to be absolutely dependent on men in their lives, whether or not those men are trustworthy or would abuse their "responsibility" over their woman.  

               I believe this social issue bears some resemblance to the belief in the 19th and much of the 20th century that dictated how women should be subservient to a husband, and belonged in the home, dependent financially and in every other way on him.  This story also reflects the gradual opposition to this mindset of thinking, with activists encouraging an increase in the sphere of woman, as opposed to a purely sedentary and dependent life in the home.

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