Monday, February 4, 2019

Greed is making a serious comeback on Wall Street- Nik Puri

The economy and the stock exchange have shown significant improvement this year. The Nasdaq is up nearly 10% and S&P 500 is celebrating its best January in 32 years. U.S Crude Oil prices which crashed during last year, is up nearly 22% so far this year. Other improvements have also come along as well.  The well expected trade war between the U.S and China has faded and so has the fears of a recession by the Federal Reserve.  According to David Kelly, the Chief Global Strategist at JP Morgan Funds, "The things that fell the most were the ones likely to rise the most."

This article was published by Matt Egan and Jill Disis on February 3, and was updated at 7:22 AM ET. This implies that the information provided in the article is accurate. Before I read this article, I felt that the U.S economy wasn't as good as it used to be with all our problems in the government. Now, I realized that the stock exchange and the economy is thriving and improving. This article is important because it emphasizes the fact, that the Economy will have good and bad days, but will find its way in the end.

1 comment:

  1. This is well written and is an interesting article that is informative about the changes in the economy.
