Monday, February 4, 2019

Soon, protein bars will start to make out of chicken feathers - Sophia Zhukova

A new research showed that chicken feathers are powerful protein supplement. Scientists suggest starting to use them for the production of protein bars.
Chicken feathers can be an unexpected solution. A new research by the School of Sport, and Nutrition at Massey University proves that chicken feathers can have the potential as a protein supplement for people who want to build or maintain muscle mass.
And a research in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition states that keratins in chicken feathers have structural, thiol-rich proteins, and they make up 90% of the bird's weight. "Usually we do not eat feathers, because we cannot digest them, even if they are almost entirely composed of protein. But after acid hydrolysis, feathers can become a product that we can digest," says lead author Steve Stannard.

I think it sounds scary at first time you hear it, but if we will think about it maybe it could be a good idea. Because in our time people are going crazy sometimes about their bodies and they starting to do everything to have a perfect one. They do crazy things in real and for example bodybuilders can harm their health with chemicals they use to get more of muscle mass. Sometimes we can't even imagine with how many different ways people can build their bodies "chemically" and we can't even imagine in how many ways it can harm their bodies. Comparing to the past, it was good that people did not use that many chemicals and I think this way of using natural products to help our body to grow healthy can seem crazy too, (and not good for our chickens) but it's better than chemicals anyway.

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting! I'm optimistic about this new superfood.
