Sunday, February 10, 2019

Self-Compassion Exercises Show Physical, Psychological Benefits- Rachel DuBard

According to a new UK study, taking time frequently to self love and love those around you has physical and psychological benefits. Investigators at UK university’s made the discovery of exercises of this sort can can ease the body’s treat response while also lowering heart-rate. Dr. Anke Karl stated that self-compassion is related to having a better mental state but nobody knew why. Apparently being kind to yourself when things go wrong could be beneficial in psychological treatments. By turning off the threat responsewe can boost our immune systems and give ourselves the best chance of healing. The treat system causes an increased heart rate while releasing a stress hormone and over working the emotional network in your brain. This all connects to history bc if people knew about the health and mental benefits of self love a looong time ago, that could’ve helped people when beginning to fall into a depression. This also could’ve helped our world become more positive and but more positive energy out causing a less likely chance of wars and strikes. Without as much chaos in the past we then wouldn’t have to learn about all these depressing wars and strikes. Although, some much negative energy has been whirling through our world and history for a while now, I still have to applaud bc now we have things like women’s rights and African American right.


  1. I'm curious as to what self-compassion exercises are. Also, maybe it's just me, but I feel like self-love leading to happier mindsets is obvious, and wish that something was done to promote self-love rather than just calling out its existence.

  2. I am also curious as to what self-compassion excersises are, i feel some of us could use them. I agree with aplauding because of us having women's rights and African American rights.
