Sunday, February 10, 2019

Nashville Musician Killed by Teenagers - Jude Holland

Recently, 25 year old Nashville musician Kyle Yortlets was killed by a group of 5 teenagers, aged 12 to 16. After approaching Yortlet's home in a stolen pickup truck, they demanded that he give them his wallet, and when he refused, they shot him. He was later found by a roommate who rushed him to the hospital, where he then died. The 5 teenagers were then arrested by police, who found that the teenagers had stolen the gun as well as an SUV.

Even though the teenagers that shot Kyle Yortlets were just kids, they still deserve to be tried for their crimes. However, the fact that they had access to guns in the first place shows how flawed our system can be. A group of irresponsible, unchecked teenagers being able to kill a man shows how gun violence in our country is often the result of unchecked aggression, but is also a result of the fact that guns are easy to obtain. I don't believe we should get rid of guns, however less guns in general and strict background checks and regulations could help limit the number of tragic shootings like these especially when the shooter is someone like in this story.

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  1. I completely agree with your assessment of how easy access to guns is a huge contributor to crimes like this. Gun control, or lack thereof, is something Americans should feel ashamed about when people are shot and killed for simply not wanting to give up their wallets.

  2. I think the kids knew what they were doing and they should pay for what they have done.
