Sunday, February 10, 2019

Pediatrician Reveals Vaccination Secrets | Daniella Castanheira

Recently, more and more parents are deciding not to vaccinate their children in fear of their chemical components and unwanted side affects. One pediatrician, Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez, talks about parents of patients that didn't want to have them vaccinated, and how she dealt with them. Her method is to find common ground in their mutual love for the children, is nonjudgmental, hears out the parents' concerns, and gradually explains the benefits of vaccination. In a time where arguments are common and widespread, her gentle methods of focusing on the positives and not blaming or name-calling is effective and needed.

This article is written by Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez, a practicing pediatrician, and is fittingly written when vaccination fear is at an all time high. She addresses parents and others who are afraid of vaccinating themselves or kids, and explains her position persuasively but not aggressively. Personally, I believe in vaccination, especially when I consider widespread death in history that could have been avoided with vaccines. For example, 22,000 workers died because of yellow fever and malaria during the construction of the Panama Canal, and I know that, if a vaccine had been available, almost every single one of them would take a one over death.

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