Monday, February 4, 2019

Ralph Northam admits he's in "clearly racist" photo, vows to serve out term amid calls for resignation -- Mary Kate Madden

Democratic governor Ralph Northam of Virginia is in hot water right now. A photo from his 1984 medical school yearbook came up that clearly shows one person in blackface and one person in a KKK outfit. He admitted to being in the photo, but at first, wouldn't say which one he was. The next day, however, he confirmed that it WASN'T him in the picture. However, he admitted to being in blackface during a dance competition trying to resemble Micheal Jackson. Even people in the Democratic Party are calling for him to resign. He's refusing.

This is important because racism is a strong problem in our country. Even condoning blackface is not who we want in government.

Mary Kate Madden


  1. This shows how people have a “flexible” sense of racism when it regards themselves. This also shows how our definition of what is insensitive has evolved over time, from blackface being a “compliment” to people now knowing that it is truly racist, and avoiding committing such acts out of respect for their fellow citizens.

  2. It's amazing how times have changed as 1 blackface can ruin your career. As much as blackface was bad, I don't think he should resign, as that was from a long time ago and if he acknowledges now what he did was racist

  3. That is ludicrous and he knew he was wrong and didn't want to admit it.
