Monday, February 4, 2019

racist yearbook photo ~ Allé Holloway

A photo on a governor's old yearbook page surfaces showing a person in blackface and another wearing a white Ku Klux Klan hood. The governor first apologizes for the photo then denies he's either of the people in the photo.
By John Blake, CNN
Updated at 4:53 PM ET, Sun February 3, 2019
I had no prior knowledge of the yearbook of the governor. Which only added to the shock factor of my surprise this occurred. This situation relates to Brett Kavanaugh's accusation of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford. It would seem that the same people that are suppose to be our leaders and interpreters have complicated past whether it's racism or sexual assault. John Blake felt it necessary to mention white presidents and judges were of the biggest champions for black people in America's past but were also racist and were apart of marches and speeches. He even jokimgly says, "Some of our bestfriends were racist." John Blake feels the need to inform people of our past leaders and further say, "We expect racism from many white people. Even among liberals," to not only pick a side but get to the root of the issue. John Blake even discuss that there has not been genuine racial progress. This article matters because it keeps people informed of what is really going on in the world even a few years ago to say that racism is alive and well.


1 comment:

  1. this is just proof that racism is still very much alive and living within our government and our leaders.
