Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Officer who shot the wrong man won't be charged - Madison Malonson


   On Black Friday last year there was an active shooter in an Alambama mall, when officers reported to the scene they shot the wrong man. Emantic Bradford was trying to help mall goers when shots fired, but when the police saw him they identified him as a suspect and, because he had a gun on him, shot him. Bradford had a liscense to carry, so it was perefcly legal for him to have a gun on him.  The officer who shot him said his actions were justifiable and were following police training.
     This story seems all too familiar, unarmed Black men are specially target by the police but with this story it's a bit different. The man had a gun, but he also has a right to carry that gun. People love to shout that it's their 2nd Amendment right to carry a weapon, but when the person is Black all of that doesn't matter anymore. The fact that the officer will not be charged for anything is really disheartening and builds even more distrust between Black Americans and the police.


  1. Emma Burkey: It is truly heartbreaking that this man that was trying to help other people in the mall stay away from the shooter was the one shot. Another part of this story that is scary is that the officer said his police training taught him to do that.

  2. This is why people often say the second amendment was made for white people, as in many circumstances, police officers shoot black men without even trying to talk to them first. Police officers say they shoot out of self-defense, but quite often, the "attacker" hasn't done anything but be seen holding a gun.

    1. It’s sad too that the fact that he had a gun only makes it easier for people to defend the officer. Many will say “it was just his job to shoot people who were a threat” but don’t realize the common underlying racism in this situation.
      -Ryan Mecca

  3. It's unfortunate that this happens all the time.

  4. I really hate stories like this and wish these things didn't happen and that innocent people didn't have to lose their lives for reasons like this.Also, what happened to pepper spray and tasing? I feel like now days police get straight to the point and shoot without even knowing much about the situation and assuming things.

  5. That's horrible but not surprising. I think this shows, though, that more guns only make a situation more dangerous, not safer

  6. It's amazingly disheartening how fast people go from defending the second amendment to scorning gun-carriers, even if the man in question was carrying legally. Hurtful stereotypes and racism are huge factors as to why undeserved violence like this is perpetuated.
