Tuesday, February 5, 2019

New Star Map Reveals the Milky Way Is Warped- Rachel DuBard


For yrs now, scientists have been aware of the Milky Ways disk being warped and bent. Recently they have designed a map of the stars to create a 3D outlook onto our galaxy. The cause of this warped shape is hydrogen gas in the galaxy. Researchers from all over started a model built in order to understand the milky ways disk shape. This new model also allows to hear the pulse of the stars meaning this will help us infer the stars actual luminosity. This relates to history bc light is billions of light yrs away and we have and continue to study them.


  1. How interesting! We have come so far in our understanding of our galaxy and I love that the universe is supplying us with endless material to decipher.

  2. Emma Burkey: This is very interesting indeed! I think the more we discover about the galaxy the closer we can come to understanding how it has developed and the place the Earth has in it.

  3. What a refreshing current event topic! It’s nice to see something new and interesting since recently the news has been crowded with shootings and government shutdown information, as sad as that sounds.
    -Ryan Mecca

  4. Chloe Meinershagen - I think it's so cool how scientists have been figuring out how to figure out more and more about our galaxy, as scary as it is, it's so odd to see how small we in in the whole universe.
